Happy Science Day in Ukraine!

Dear Colleagues of Our University and Ukraine! The Department team congratulates you on Science Day! This celebration unites all who have dedicated their lives to research and discoveries, who work daily for the development of science and education. Your work Читати далі

Embroidery Day Celebration

Every year, Ukrainians celebrate Embroidery Day by wearing traditional national attire. This celebration has become an important part of the country’s cultural life. This year, Associate Professor Uliana Ketsyk-Zinchenko, Precarpathian National University, conducted a foreign language lesson dedicated to Embroidery Читати далі

My Embroidered Ukraine

  The Department of Foreign Languages at Vasyl Stefanyk Precarpathian National University actively supports academic initiatives aimed at the development of science and culture. This year, the department’s faculty participated in the V International Scientific and Practical Conference “My Embroidered Читати далі

University’s Day 2024

Congratulations to the community of the Precarpathian University, students, alumni, prospective students, friends, colleagues, and everyone else, and we invite you to attend the events dedicated to the University’s Day and the 153rd anniversary of the birthday of our patron Читати далі

Voices of War and Hope

Associate Professor of Foreign Languages Department, PNU, Oksana Tytun has contributed to the publication of a poetry collection titled “Voices of War and Hope.” The collection includes 50 poems in English by 25 poets from various corners of Ukraine and Читати далі