My Embroidered Ukraine


The Department of Foreign Languages at Vasyl Stefanyk Precarpathian National University actively supports academic initiatives aimed at the development of science and culture. This year, the department’s faculty participated in the V International Scientific and Practical Conference “My Embroidered Ukraine: The Ethnocultural and Educational Potential of Ukrainian Embroidery,” held in a mixed format. The conference was organized to celebrate World Embroidery Day and brought together researchers and scholars from around the world.

The main goal of the conference was to explore the role of embroidery as a cultural phenomenon and its impact on modern society. Faculty members presented their research focused on intercultural dialogue and the role of embroidery in strengthening national identity. They gave presentations that discussed embroidery not only as a clothing element but also as a symbol of cultural heritage and a means of communication between nations.

The conference also featured thematic embroidery exhibitions, where participants could view unique exhibits and discuss the significance of embroidery in the context of contemporary art. Participation in the “My Embroidered Ukraine” conference was a significant event for the Department of Foreign Languages faculty. They were able to share their research and enrich their own experiences with new knowledge and contacts. This will contribute to the further development of intercultural dialogue and the deepening of academic connections at the international level.

For more details about the conference, you can visit the link.