New Approaches to Enhancing the Efficiency of Innovation and Investment Processes in the Region


The Precarpathian National University engages in systematic efforts as part of one of its three strategic development missions, specifically, fostering regional development.

On April 2, Ihor Tsependa, the rector of Vasyl Stefanyk Precarpathian National University, met with Mykola Medvid, the village head of Spaska village council in the Kalush district of Ivano-Frankivsk region.

The meeting also included Vice-Rector for Scientific and Pedagogical Work, Ruslan Zapukhliak; Director of the Project and Educational Center of PNU ‘Agents of Change,’ Associate Professor of the Finance Department of the Faculty of Economics, Svitlana Kropelnytska; Director of the Science Park ‘Precarpathian University,’ Roman Bubna; and the Head of the Department of Economics, Investments, and International Relations, Svitlana Helyn. The parties discussed and signed a cooperation agreement.

The main objectives of the cooperation include the university’s contribution to training specialists required by the community. Discussions also covered the development of joint scientific and research initiatives, conducting research, providing consulting services, and collaboration on the implementation of innovations.

Special emphasis was placed on organizing and conducting certificate trainings, consulting, informational, and other activities aimed at enhancing the qualifications of representatives from project and other activities based on the ‘AGENTS OF CHANGE’ initiative of PNU.