Presentation of the Ukrainian-German-Austrian Collective Monograph

The annual Leipzig Book Fair took place from March 21 to 24. This year, there was a presentation of a collective Ukrainian-German-Austrian monograph «Ukrainisch – Zur Emanzipation einer Sprache» (‘Frank & Timme GmbH’ publisher), co-authored by the head of the department of foreign languages Vasyl Tkachivskyi and the head of the department of foreign languages and translation Maria Tkachivska.


The Ukrainian language boasts a rich and tumultuous history, influenced by its varying state affiliations which have either encouraged or suppressed its use. In this volume, Ukrainian, German, and Austrian authors explore significant milestones in the development of the Ukrainian language as an official, educational, and literary medium. They also delve into the role of the Ukrainian language in contemporary discourses. Against the backdrop of Ukraine’s political landscape since 2014, the authors examine language policy decisions and their effects on society and individual lives. Written in multiple languages, this book is designed not only for academics and students but also for anyone interested in the topic of language emancipation.

“Visitor to the exhibition actively purchase Ukrainian books and participate in events: queues stretch long near the displays, and the halls are filled to capacity with no free  seats available. Among the attendees, there are numerous representatives from Germany, receiving our presentations with hearty applause and looks of admirations. In halls dedicated to Ukraine, a warm reception is invariably given. Voices of support and solidarity resound throughout! Thanks to the collaborative efforts of our German partners, the works of Ukrainian publishers are also showcased at the Leipzig Book Fair. In the context of russia’s war against Ukraine, it becomes critically important to share our story with the world, highlighting our culture and literature. We extend our heartfelt gratitude to the city of Leipzig for sponsoring Ukraine’s participation, and to the Leipzig Book Fair organizers for generously providing booth space and necessary equipment.  Our sincer thanks go to the publishing house ‘Frank&Timme‘ and the entire author team the monograph for their invaluable contribution to Ukraine’s cause.”– words of gratitude from Vasyl Tkachivskyi and Maria Tkachivska Vasyl Stefanyk Precarpathian National University.