Embroidery Day Celebration

Every year, Ukrainians celebrate Embroidery Day by wearing traditional national attire. This celebration has become an important part of the country’s cultural life. This year, Associate Professor Uliana Ketsyk-Zinchenko, Precarpathian National University, conducted a foreign language lesson dedicated to Embroidery Day for the first-year СР and СП groups.

During the lesson, students discussed the significance of embroidery as a symbol of national identity and cultural heritage. The teacher explained how patterns and designs on embroidery reflect regional characteristics and historical traditions. This provided an excellent opportunity for students to improve their language skills using specialized vocabulary related to culture and art.

Students also actively participated in discussions, presented their research, and shared personal stories related to embroidery. The lesson not only fostered the development of language skills but also deepened knowledge of Ukrainian culture and traditions.

Such events enable students to better understand and appreciate the importance of preserving cultural heritage while improving their language competencies in a relaxed and friendly atmosphere.